Our Perspectives


With our experience comes a unique perspective. Hear what we have to say.

Working across the globe, we capture a particular point of view on what matters in CPG both today and in the future. Read our original considerations on trending topics.

28 May 2024

E-commerce strategies for CPG growth with inspiration from Asia

E-commerce growth within the CPG industry presents a huge opportunity to brands. However, it comes with distinct challenges. Sam Bedi unpacks the opportunities, taking inspiration from Asia.

Sam Bedi

Sevendots, Singapore

29 April 2024

Boosting CPG performance by linking portfolio management to growth strategies: Advice for decision makers

Without a clear strategic roadmap for your portfolio management, growth can stall. Sevendots presents advice for decision makers to better leverage growth strategies in the CPG industry.

Andrea Bielli

Sevendots, Rome

, 21 March 2024

Innovation drives growth. How can CPG ensure investment pays back?

Innovation is seriously under-leveraged in the CPG industry compared to other industries. The question is: Why? And what will it take for CPGs to catch up and ensure that any investment is paid back? This article provides key steps for leveraging innovation more effectively.

Andrea Bielli

Sevendots, Rome

, 23 January 2024

Transforming CPG: What’s the future of Alternative Proteins?

In this episode of Transforming CPG, Stephen Factor and Eugenio Perrier discuss the current landscape in the Alternative Proteins market. They then unpack the challenges the market faces, and what the future might look like (and require) for brands to succeed.

12 December 2023

Transforming CPG: How can CPG companies win in the kitchen?

The latest Transforming CPG podcast by Sevendots: How CPG brands can leverage changing attitudes in the home meal space and win big in the kitchen.

21 November 2023

Transforming CPG: What are the opportunities for CPG growth in Asia?

The latest Transforming CPG podcast by Sevendots: The big opportunities for growth across Asia and our framework for success.

24 October 2023

Transforming CPG: How can a supply chain strategy generate opportunities for growth?

The latest Transforming CPG podcast by Sevendots: The latest Transforming CPG podcast by Sevendots: Supply chain strategy and how opportunities in value chain management can generate new growth and opportunities for your business.

19 September 2023

Transforming CPG: Special Episode! Gen Z vs Millennial Marketing

The latest Transforming CPG podcast by Sevendots: A special episode on Gen Z vs Millennial marketing

, 19 June 2023

Implementing effective DTC strategy in the CPG industry today

What is the value of a Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) approach for a CPG business today? In this piece, we break down the update to our thinking on implementing an effective DTC strategy based on the findings of recent years.

Colin McAllister

Sevendots, Milan

Andrea Bielli

Sevendots, Rome

08 May 2023

Winning in the kitchen: Addressing evolving consumer needs for at home meal consumption

The home meal space is a vast market with strong growth potential for the CPG industry. We believe collaboration between players offers opportunities for higher level solutions for consumers, better addressing emerging needs. Read on to discover the state of play, and our suggested framework for development.

Andrea Bielli

Sevendots, Rome

Colin McAllister

Sevendots, Milan

24 April 2023

Transforming CPG: What can brands do to better serve Gen Z?

The latest Transforming CPG podcast by Sevendots: Insights into Gen Z for brand owners.

, 21 March 2023

Is there an opportunity for a globalized sweet bakery offer?

Sevendots Partners set out to examine the opportunity for a more globalized offer in sweet bakery that can allow for a good margin and growth. Discover the key barriers and ways to overcome them.

Massimo Visconti

Sevendots, Milan

Eugenio Perrier

Sevendots, New York

Andrea Bielli

Sevendots, Rome

Colin McAllister

Sevendots, Milan

Marco Aureggi

Sevendots, Luxembourg

07 February 2023

New on the Transforming CPG Podcast: How personalization can impact your brand strategy

How can personalization impact your brand strategy? Find out in under 15 minutes.

Andrea Bielli

Sevendots, Rome

Stephen Factor

Sevendots, London

05 December 2022

Introducing Transforming CPG: The new podcast brought to you by Sevendots

Introducing the new CPG podcast: Transforming CPG by Sevendots.

, 25 January 2022

Towards a Regenerative Economy: Taking Regenerative Agriculture one step further

Continuing our series on the future of value generation, this article explores the way regenerative practices can be understood to feed economic activity that serves long-term sustainability, with better outcomes for both humankind and the planet.

Colin McAllister

Sevendots, Milan

Christina Carè

Sevendots, London

, 20 December 2021

The future of value generation in the CPG industry: Understanding new forms of economic activity

The CPG industry has been essential for economic growth. With change comes a new source of value generation. Introducing our take on the future of value generation for the generations to come.

Andrea Bielli

Sevendots, Rome

, 15 December 2021

Video: Big vs. Small brands with Colin McAllister

Sevendots' latest Growth Series report explores the dynamics of Big vs. Small brands. Unpacking the consumer trend towards smaller brands, we offer actionable suggestions to manage a recovery as a bigger brand. In this video, Sevendots Partner Colin McAllister introduces some of dynamics we uncovered and the four key areas big brands need to manage in order to ensure that big can be beautiful again.

Colin McAllister

Sevendots, Milan

, 14 December 2021

Interview with Sevendots Partner Miriam Mostarda: Our Growth Series report on Big vs. Small brands

Introducing the latest Growth Series volume, on the dynamics of Big vs. Small brands, and the value this will bring to brand owners.

Miriam Mostarda

Sevendots, London

Christina Carè

Sevendots, London

21 March 2018

Brand Penetration: Why Winning Brands Are About Winning The Popularity Contest

Note: This is from our old blog and is no longer being updated. It was originally published in 2018. For... View Article

, 11 November 2014

Why Corporate Social Responsibility is no longer enough

Note: This is from our old blog and is no longer being updated. It was originally published in 2014. Brand... View Article