07 February 2023

New on the Transforming CPG Podcast: How personalization can impact your brand strategy

How can personalization impact your brand strategy? Find out in under 15 minutes.

Andrea Bielli

Sevendots, Rome

Stephen Factor

Sevendots, London

< 1 minute read

In this episode of Transforming CPG, we examine the role personalization could play in your brand strategy.

Sevendots Partners Stephen Factor, Colin McAllister and Andrea Bielli discuss how personalization can apply to more categories than you think.

Take a listen here (in just 15 minutes!)

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This podcast is brought to you by Sevendots. We are a global consultancy of senior industry experts focused on helping CPG companies and brands grow. We enhance understanding on how to create mutual value for companies and consumers in a sustainable way over the long term.

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