Our Perspectives

With our experience comes a unique perspective. Hear what we have to say.

Working across the globe, we capture a particular point of view on what matters in CPG both today and in the future. Read our original considerations on trending topics.

18 May 2017

One face, many voices: Why and how Brand Messaging must be multifaceted

Note: This is from our old blog and is no longer being updated. It was originally published in 2017. A... View Article

27 May 2015

Online shopping vs in-store shopping – and the winner is…?

Note: This is from our old blog and is no longer being updated. It was originally published in 2015. Buying... View Article

25 February 2015

Brand social responsibility: Seven things to consider

Note: This is from our old blog and is no longer being updated. It was originally published in 2015. How... View Article

, 11 November 2014

Why Corporate Social Responsibility is no longer enough

Note: This is from our old blog and is no longer being updated. It was originally published in 2014. Brand... View Article

, 16 June 2014

How to use trends to gain a competitive advantage

Note: This is from our old blog and is no longer being updated. It was originally published in 2014. It’s... View Article

Andrea Bielli

Sevendots, Rome