Our Perspectives

Christina Carè

With our experience comes a unique perspective. Hear what we have to say.

Working across the globe, we capture a particular point of view on what matters in CPG both today and in the future. Read our original considerations on trending topics.

29 April 2024

Boosting CPG performance by linking portfolio management to growth strategies: Advice for decision makers

Without a clear strategic roadmap for your portfolio management, growth can stall. Sevendots presents advice for decision makers to better leverage growth strategies in the CPG industry.

Andrea Bielli

Sevendots, Rome

, 21 March 2024

Innovation drives growth. How can CPG ensure investment pays back?

Innovation is seriously under-leveraged in the CPG industry compared to other industries. The question is: Why? And what will it take for CPGs to catch up and ensure that any investment is paid back? This article provides key steps for leveraging innovation more effectively.

Andrea Bielli

Sevendots, Rome

05 March 2024

Transforming CPG: How can CPGs leverage the real power of innovation?

In this episode of Transforming CPG, Stephen Factor and Andrea Bielli discuss the under utilised opportunities that come from innovation. Why is the CPG industry lagging behind on innovation and how can more disruptive innovation pay back a good return on investment? We break it all down into actionable, cohesive and strategic advice.

, 23 January 2024

Transforming CPG: What’s the future of Alternative Proteins?

In this episode of Transforming CPG, Stephen Factor and Eugenio Perrier discuss the current landscape in the Alternative Proteins market. They then unpack the challenges the market faces, and what the future might look like (and require) for brands to succeed.

12 December 2023

Transforming CPG: How can CPG companies win in the kitchen?

The latest Transforming CPG podcast by Sevendots: How CPG brands can leverage changing attitudes in the home meal space and win big in the kitchen.

11 December 2023

Gen Z is Losing Steam: How can CPG brands respond to the changing attitudes of Gen Zers?

Crisis fatigue is changing how Gen Z operates in the world. In this piece, the Red Flower Factory unpacks how CPG brands can better address the decline in optimism amongst Gen Zers.

06 December 2023

How Supply Chains Can Lead the Way to a Sustainable Future

Amid the daunting challenges posed by climate change, CPG supply chains confront a pivotal question: Can they weather the adaptations required for a rapidly changing world? The stakes are immense, extending far beyond the environmental sphere, as climate change threatens the very fabric of the global economy. Prateek Jain breaks down the possibilities for a sustainable supply chain that addresses risks and protects the value chain down the lines.

Prateek Jain

Sevendots, Singapore